Tray, Handmade, hand-carved, carving, Decoration, Animal, cats,Thailand, wood, wooden, Crafts, Gifts, Figurine, Sculpture
Beautiful table decorations withCats.
Round or ovaltray made of acacia wood.
Acacia wood is also called in Thailand Rain Woodor Monkey Pod Wood.
Serve as stand three hand-carvedanimal figures,
Cats here, de are attached to thetablet.
The article is availablein two different forms.
Please choose the shapeaccording to your wishes from our offer.
1.) Article Number: YORN-0187.1round shape
2.) Article Number: YORN-0187.2oval shape
Size andweight of the article about:
Height 28 cm, weight 2.0kg,
Price $ 20.80
Article Number YORN-0187.1
Article Number YORN-0187.2
Tray with Animal Figures three cats wood handmade decoration Thailand Gifts Crafts